Monday, October 5, 2009

Weekly Roundup - 28/09/09 to 04/10/09

Black Book (2006, Paul Verhoeven)
Grade: B

Cyclo (1995, Tran Anh Hung)
Grade: A+

Keane (2004, Lodge Kerrigan)
Grade: C

Memories of Murder (2003, Bong Joon-ho)
Grade: A

Repulsion (1965, Roman Polanski)*
Grade: B+

* x2


Unknown said...

Nothing to do with your roundup... but I saw you Oscar Predictions on GoldDerby and thought you should know that for The Last Station, Plummer is Supporting and McAvoy is Lead. Mirren is still Lead

Alex Constantin said...

Unfortunately, I've only seen like 10 minutes of Repulsion a couple of years ago... Why did I stop?! :)

Malcolm said...


I'm Malcolm from The Final Oscar ( and I was hoping if you want to join in a smackdown in my blog. It's about the 2008 Nominees for Best Picture. If you want to know more, you could just email me or just visit my post about it:

So, I do look forward in writing with you about this. Please send me your confirmation whether you want to join or not.

Thanks and have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

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