Friday, May 1, 2009

"The Closed Doors" (1999, Dir: Atef Hetata)

Subtle but powerful psychological portrait of a boy whose involvement with an Islamic fundamentalist group leads to tragedy. Examines themes encompassing class, gender, the mother-son relationship, sex and desire, masculinity, the treatment of women in Islamic society and the role of religion in general in peoples' lives. It's an interesting juggling act that showcases an diamond-in-the-rough neophyte director - unfortunately, this has so far been Hetata's only feature film.

Grade: A-


Anonymous said...

This sounds awesome; I'm definitely renting it next.

Slayton said...

It's not what I would call a FUN watch (it's quite academic) but it was really interesting for me to see how the director played with all these themes to such powerful effect. I also loved the acting.